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snack drive

Berg Insurance Services Williamston Snack Drive

Here at Berg Insurance Services we are committed to giving back and helping our communities. To achieve this, we have had an ongoing initiative to collect and donate healthy snacks for the Williamston Elementary Schools. As a corporate company, Farm Bureau has made an effort to end childhood hunger in the state of Michigan. We have taken that and focused it to our own home here in the Lansing area.


The reality of the situation is that many families and children in the community have a need for better food. They may struggle to get balanced and nutritious foods into their diets. There are multiple factors that affect this ranging from the price of foods, to a stigma that are stopping families from asking for help.


How Can You Help?


We believe in giving back and helping where we can and want to extend that opportunity to those of you who share that belief. There are a few options for you to contribute which we will share some more details on here:

  • Drop off healthy snacks at the office
    • If you would like to purchase snacks on your own and leave them at our office, we will deliver them with the next installment to the school.
  • Make a donation
    • If you would like to donate rather than purchase the snacks on your own, we will handle the rest. Using this venmo, @Steve-Berg-17 you can give to the snack fund. Please label the donation "Snacks" in the notes.
  • One final option is to order snacks online and deliver them to the office.
    • If you would rather purchase the snacks but don't have the time to pick them up, you can simply have an online order delivered to our office:

Farm Bureau Insurance

2289 Sower Blvd, Ste. A

Okemos, MI 48864


What Makes a Healthy Snack?


If you plan on obtaining the snacks on your own, then there are a few guidelines we ask you to follow. We want all of the snacks we deliver to be healthy snacks, promoting good eating habits for the elementary school students. For more information about healthy snack options check out this article.


Please make sure they are "Nut Free"!


Next Installment And Future Events


The current calendar for this plan is still rather fluid but will be resemblant of what we currently have. We predict the next order of snacks to be delivered to the school sometime in early November, but that is dependent on when they request a need for more. 


We also plan to partner with the high school and host a snack drive during a couple of home basketball games as we have done in the past. Once official dates for this are set we will relay those out.


P.S. We have every intention of this being an ongoing and reoccurring event. If you miss this round of donations or want to continue to support in the future, there will be plenty of opportunities.

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