After an Auto Accident
If your car is drivable:
- Do a visual inspection to make sure driving the vehicle won’t cause further damage.
Keep your ears open to any strange noises that might indicate damage that is out of sight and get that inspected.
- Choose a local body shop to work with for repairs. The most convenient path to follow can be found here: FB Express Auto | Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies (michfb.com)
- Make an appointment and go get an estimate from the shop you choose.
Shops are backed up and the time it takes to get your car repaired can vary significantly. It might make sense to call around and ask for time estimates at other nearby shops.
- Prepare ahead for when your car will go in for repairs.
If your policy has coverage for a rental car, please contact your adjuster to make arrangements for a direct-billed rental car through Enterprise Rent-A-Car.
If your car is NOT drivable:
…..and you have coverage for physical damage (i.e., Comprehensive and/or Collision)
- If you have coverage for a rental car, please contact your adjuster to make arrangements for a direct-billed car through Enterprise Rent-A-Car.
- The first determination will be the cost to repair the vehicle. If the cost is equal to more than 70% of the value of the car, it will likely be determined to be a total loss.
If the cost is less than 70% of the market value of the car, the insurance company will look to have it repaired.
KEY: this determination can be made at one of our Direct Repair Shops or by one of our field adjusters. If you can get the vehicle to one of the listed shops, this will happen much quicker!
- Shops are backed up and the time it takes to get your car repaired can vary significantly. Once you have an estimate in hand it might make sense to call around and ask for time estimates at other nearby shops.
If you only have PLPD:
- If the damage was caused by someone else, be sure to get their information as you might be eligible to collect up to $3,000 from their insurance company.
- If your car is towed to a body shop or towing company’s lot, take note they will charge you a daily storage rate – often $50/day!
Get the vehicle out of those places and towed to your driveway or somewhere that won’t cost you any out-of-pocket while you work on next steps.
- We like to include Roadside Service on PLPD vehicles – this will allow us to reimburse you for any tow costs you may have absorbed. Please submit paid invoices to our office and we will work to get you reimbursed.
If you have injuries from the accident:
Please make sure you report these to the claims department if you haven’t already. The sooner a Medical Claims Adjuster gets involved, the better!
Make sure you understand how medical claims will be processed and who is paying these bills.
If you get medical bills mailed to you in the mail, please be sure to send copies directly to your Medical Claims Adjuster as soon as possible.
Medical claims can get sticky and may take some time. Often there are multiple billing departments involved and many seem to be overwhelmed causing communication to take time. If you receive any threatening collections letters in the mail, do not be surprised…just send them to your adjuster as quickly as possible.
After an accident, your adjuster will be contact #1!
We want to help make sure your claim experience is as smooth as possible and will be here to support you and your adjuster in any way we can.